Amavir’s Portfolio of Services

Amavir’s Portfolio of Services

One of the most extensive portfolios of services in the nursing home industry to meet the needs of senior citizens.

Everything senior citizens need

Our more than 25 years of experience enables Amavir to offer one of the most extensive portfolios of services in the nursing home industry. Our goal is to meet all our clients’ present and future needs, providing them with comprehensive, personalized care.

List of services

Permanent stays
Temporary stays (vacations and family respite, convalescence, postoperative, rehabilitation...)
Daytime stays
Overnight stays
Social-health stays

Medical service
Nursing service
Direct care

Pharmacy service

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Sociocultural activities in the centers (parties, celebrations, recreational activities, musical performances, theater, cinema, contests, etc.).
Sociocultural activities outside the center (excursions, visits, walks, etc.).

Occupational therapy

Cleaning service

Air conditioning

Recurso 3

Adapted transportation for daytime stays

Recurso 1



Social work

Podiatry service

Maintenance service


Religious Service


Alternative therapies (music therapy, animal therapies, sensory stimulation, cooking workshops, therapeutic gardens, labor therapy, intergenerational meetings...)

Laundry service


Kitchen service (with adapted menus)

Hairdressing service

Recurso 1

Advice on accompaniment to health centers
Advice on processing of aid for dependency and financing
Advice on prosthetic, dental, optical and audiology services