An adult day
care center
near you

Adult Day Care
Centers in Murcia

Amavir manages one adult day care center in Murcia, with 30 private and state-contracted spots, which serves as an intermediate resource for nursing homes, allowing the elderly to continue living at home while still carrying out beneficial activities for their physical, cognitive, and emotional condition.

Tu centro de día Amavir

Tu Centro de Día Amavir

Amavir Cartagena (Cartagena)
Centro de día
Cartagena, Murcia
Animación sociocultural
Atención especializada
Menús Adaptados
Psicología y trabajo social
Terapias alternativas
Group 8
25 Amavir Cartagena

Mentally and physically active seniors

Mentally and physically active seniors

At Amavir adult day care centers, senior citizens can enjoy a full daily program of functional, recreational, and leisure activities adapted to each individual’s abilities.

We are committed to the well-being of the elderly and their families and we can help you apply for dependency benefits in Murcia. Download our guide for more information.

Lo que solo Amavir
puede decir

Actualidad Residencias Amavir

Al encuentro en la Real Casa de Correos han asistido el director de la residencia y cuatro usuarias participantes en el programa "Tejiendo solidaridad".
El acto, celebrado este sábado en los Jameos del Agua, estuvo presidido por la ministra de Sanidad y la presidenta del Cabildo.
Marcelino es una figura muy querida en la ciudad, donde regentó la mítica pastelería Andueza en la calle San Nicolás.
La participación de Amavir en esta iniciativa se vehicula a través de la Alianza Empresarial española, creada por la Fundación ‘La Caixa’ en 2008.
Ambas compañías reafirman su apuesta por edificios residenciales en los que se preste una atención de calidad y que, además, respeten el medio ambiente.

Las mejores residencias y centros de día cerca de ti


Más sobre Amavir

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Folleto Corporativo Amavir

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Industry leader

Amavir is one of the most valued companies in Spain in comprehensive care in residences and day centers for the elderly. We have 25 years of experience and more than 35,000 families have trusted our centers.

We currently work in 7 Autonomous Communities to offer the best care through our own care model that combines a wide variety of services, medical care, specialized therapies and fully adapted facilities.

Our goal and that of Amavir’s team of 4,200 professionals is to ensure that all our users feel at home. For this reason, we strive to offer the necessary care at all times through a personalized care plan for each family.

In addition, at our adult day center for the elderly in Murcia, we offer alternative therapies that help maintain the cognitive abilities of the elderly while they socialize and feel accompanied. On the other hand, we also have 20 state-contracted spots, adapted menus and other complementary services such as hairdressing.